Civil, Commercial and Construction Law
Bankruptcy and insolvency
Carriage of goods
Companies Act litigation
Construction disputes (including Construction Contracts Act claims)
Contractual disputes
Coroners inquests
Corporate insolvency
Debt recovery
Equity and trusts
Fair Trading Act
Health sector funding disputes
Insurance and professional indemnity
Leaky building claims
Liquor licencing
Negligence claims
Professional responsibility and discipline
Sale of Goods
Shareholder and partnership disputes
Employment Law
Collective bargaining
Disciplinary processes
Health and Safety prosecutions
Negotiated exits
Personal grievances
Redundancy and restructuring
Strikes and lock outs
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Associate member Arbitrator’s & Mediator’s Institute of NZ (AAMINZ)
Professional member Resolution Institute (PRI.Med)
Accredited mediator – appointed to mediator panels of AMINZ and Resolution Institute
Arbitration – available for appointment as arbitrator
Mediation advocacy
Curriculum Vitae
Click here: LinkedIn – Glenn Jones